«Ναι Νο» / Digital printings, multiple layers of writing / Dimensions variable / 2018
- Digital printings / Variable dimensions
- Digital printings / Variable dimensions
- Digital printings / Variable dimensions
The Greek “ΝΑΙ” and the English “NO”, as they linguistically and conceptionally define an antithesis, involve a paradox, an infelicity, a small linguistic Babel. The more times one consecutively utters the English “no”, the more it seems to sound like the Greek “nai”, the same happens with the Greek “nai” that, repeated, sounds like the English “no”. When either of the two words is uttered repeatedly, it seems as if it contradicts itself, it is cancelled, it deviates, it levitates within an almost intermediary conceptual space, between these two words, in these two languages.
In the project “NAI NO”, a pattern of digital prints is arrayed on the wall, calling us to “read” a code ab initio. It is about a script that is completely functional, though uttered in multiple overlapping levels. Through repetition it reaches the point of its non-decoding, its recantation from its initial function. It is a script closer to subjective readings, to the human senses and our feelings.